Intellectual Assets

For us, the knowledge generation is based on the four-dimensional RDI&TT cycle: Research, Development, Innovation, and Technology Transfer. We strive to make it work neatly and smoothly. For organization purposes, we place the R&D zone within the class of Research Projects, whereas the I&TT zone inhabits the class of Innovation Projects. All the classes of intelectual assets are listed below.

Research Projects

This class of projects encompass all of those related to basic research, conceptual development, investigation, and ideation. Tangible deliverables, like products and software are not necessarily their first-goal. For an overview, check out the page Research Projects.

Innovation Projects

This class of projects encompass all of those related to technological response, technology transfer, and generation of tangible deliverables in the form of software, MVPs, prototypes, and patents. For an overview, check out the page Innovation Projects.

Technical Publications

This class of assets covers journal papers, conference papers, reports, presentations, and so on. For an updated list, see the page TRIL Lab – ResearchGate, as well as the social and scientific profiles of our members.